Hydro Power Technologies, Inc.
Hydro Power Technologies, a Hillcore Group investeee company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Albert Maringer to its Board of Directors.
Dr Maringer is a seasoned executive who was responsible for various leadership positions with the Siemens group. From 2000 to 2006 he held the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Canada Limited.
Since 2005, Prof. Dr Albert Maringer is an honorary professor at the Institute for the International Management at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. In addition, he is the Founder and President of Maringer Consulting Alberta Ltd since June of 2007.
About the company:
Hydro Power Technologies, Inc. (HPT) is a green hydroelectric technology company. It is developing technology solutions that enhance power generation output in hydropower applications. HPT has developed a system to increase the power output of a PELTON turbine in hydro generation systems. The first generation product from HPT, known as “Hammer 1“, utilizes controlled water hammer dynamics to produce rapid fire, high speed, long water projectiles that have a velocity 1.25 to 1.30 times greater velocity than the traditional “free flow” turbines in operation to-day. The additional velocity increases the rotational torque of the PELTON turbine runner thus increasing the power generation.
Hillcore Group is a significant shareholder and partner in Hydro Power Technologies Inc.